our people
the board
A Member’s Board oversees the Community Interest Company advising on key decisions including governance and financial expenditure; the board is made up of people who bring a variety of skillsets to the company they include:
A green guru, after setting up a couple of community gardens, inspiring and pioneering creative solutions to make energy from waste at a large scale in a nation in Africa, John currently advises on composting, growing and recycling in RenewEL. He has a background in journalism and worked at the FT for many years, with a mind to find creative solutions to tough questions regarding the earths long-term sustainability and can turn his hand to pretty much anything.
Diane has a heart for supporting the marginalised and for over 8 years has been working for an East London based healthcare CIC on a mission to improve the lives of patients with lymphoedema and wounds. With experience gained in her leadership role within patient services, alongside her position as membership representative, she is able to provide valued operational and business input into the running of RenewEL and our sustainable growth.
Rachel has a background in creating sustainable creative landscape designs in the urban setting, after working as a Landscape Architect for 12 years started RenewEL with a heart for building teams that encourage, inspire and bring belonging; she loves using her creativity to bring to life urban spaces for clients throughout London.
Works with people struggling with addiction for over 10 years, both working with the addicts, encouraging the walk away from addiction and towards life; and currently with the families of addicts to ensure safe, connections and nurturing environment for addicts and their families to meet. With this she is able to input into how RenewEL develops our addiction recovery support.
Has had four careers: a car mechanic, a church elder, then landscaper as the site manager at RenewEL for a year and onto his dream job as a fireman. He is very pastoral and wanted to be involved in RenewEL in a more direct way as he moved away from working daily with the team; his strategic mind, prayer, pastoral and general wisdom is a helpful input to the Member’s Board.